This e-twinning project will focus on students’ everyday lives and their work at school. The result will be a web-site where students describe their everyday life and comment on that of others.
This direction is towards you who have a genuine interest of outdoor life. Your personal development through outdoor activites were the demands and challanges increases after your own individuell abilities. The education consists outdoor life in different forms and exists during all the time of the year. The activites we do are, climb, skii, walk in the mountains and journey iceskating.
Ice hockey at upper secondary school in Luleå is a specialisation which means that we can practise hockey 2 times a week during school time.
We think that it is good because then we can combine our elite training with our studies at school much better because now the teachers will understand when we are away playing games and stuff like that.
The teachers will take consideration to our sport so they help us when they know that we have missed the school because of the ice hockey.
At the moment all students are participating in this forum, listening to lectures and working with questions concerning human rights and the UN convention for human rights. Click on the text above to get to the home page of the forum!