24 February 2009

Survival in the vinter

Helo, we are some students here in Luleå that's going out on a "survival" one time every year.
When we do that we stay outside 24 hours and surviving without any food and shelter.
It's very fun to go out on a survival because we get to learn how to find or build shelter at the best possible way.




Vasso Servou said...

Hello guys! We have something similar here, but it is not a school activity; it is something the scouts do. But is fun, good experience, and training.

Una said...

We are impressed!We don't have anything like that in our schools.It must be a very intersting experience.

Unknown said...

It's really awesome!!!If I come one day I would like to participate!It's a pitty that we don't have something like that in our school...